
Clear Skin Lesson Nº.2: About Androgens

Before we get started on the HOW to balance your hormones, I want you to first understand the WHY behind these imbalances so strongly linked to chronic acne. We hear the phrase “hormonal imbalances” a lot, and we’ve heard it so much it sounds practically unhelpful. So I went to dig in further and figured out exactly WHAT hormone is out of balance. Hence, I’ve titled this article, “About Androgens.”

So exactly what are androgens? They are a group of hormones responsible for the “male sex hormones”. But don’t let that description fool you – both men and women produce these essential hormones naturally in their bodies just in different amounts (and generally speaking men do produce more). In women, androgen hormones are created in the adrenal glands, the ovaries, and in fat cells.

Testosterone, for example, is one type of androgen.

As women, we need small amounts of androgens, like testosterone, to build muscle mass, prevent bone density loss, and to maintain sexual desire.

But when we have too many androgens circulating our body, that’s when we run into trouble.

According to several clinical studies that I’ve gone through, it’s been scientifically supported that causes for hormonal acne in women are often linked to excessive levels of androgens or even simply sensitivity to normal androgen levels.

However, I mean have you ever wondered why the birth control pill is so often prescribed for women with hormonal acne? Birth control pills for female acne patients contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone. Both estrogen and progesterone actually work to block the acne-inducing effects that excess androgens have on the skin.

Now here’s a bigger question, exactly how do excess androgens lead to acne?

The reason why women are more prone to react when amounts of androgens become excessive in their bodies is because the surplus cannot be fully utilized. The two principle androgens involved in acne formation are Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone.

Where there is too much free testosterone in our blood, there is an enzyme in our bodies that converts the excess into DHT. DHT is even more potent than testosterone, and unfortunately, this enzyme that is responsible for producing DHT has been shown to be significantly more active in the facial skin compared to skin in other areas of the body.

Ultimately what happens when androgen levels become excessive is that, as women, we can’t use the surplus and so then our bodies must purge it.

This biological purging process leads to inflammatory breakouts, skin cell over growth, and over active oil production because the skin has androgen receptors and thus incredibly sensitive to hormonal levels.

You may be tempted to take a hormone profile test, which could confirm your androgen levels. But just be aware that a hormone profile test for androgen excess may not be conclusive because many women who suffer from acne are simply androgen sensitive – this means they do not actually have excess androgens in their bloodstream (hormones are in normal range), but that their skin just overreacts to the normal levels of androgens in their bodies – leading to acne. 

So here’s the good news – having acne doesn’t automatically mean you have high testosterone & DHT levels. It’s estimated only 15% – 40% of women with acne do.  This means most women with acne have hormone levels within normal ranges.

I know you guys are dying to ask…exactly what are the forces behind androgen excess and/or sensitivity? Well, the good news is that this IS what the entire course about! We absolutely need understand that hormonal imbalances do not happen in a vacuum, or simply as a result of an isolated event.

You must understand that the human body is very much interconnected. Personally, it was my lack of understanding in this area than prolonged my suffering much more than necessary, which is why I created this course so you won’t have to waste any more time on acne. As you go through these lessons, we’ll explore how the common causes for acne-related hormonal imbalances are also what accelerate aging. After you go through all the lessons, you’ll be totally equipped and have even more motivation to heal holistically.

But for now, let’s do what we can to jump start our efforts to balance hormones naturally while we’re taking the holistic route. That way, you girls will get some acne-clearing momentum. Surprisingly, there are a number of natural herbs and supplements to choose from that I will go into detail in next lesson #3. See you there!

Featured image by Haute Stock

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