Free radicals, our body’s natural enemy, subjects our bodies to more than 10,000 hits during a normal day. If our body is not able to combat the harmful effects of free radicals, then the consequences will prematurely age us, including our skin.
The pristine valleys of Tibet and Mongolia have a solution to this problem.
What do you think is their secret?
Introducing the goji berry, grown in the remote and unpolluted hills and valleys of Tibet and Mongolia. Experts have studied what must be wonderful about these Himalayan diets and why do the populations in these regions live so long and free from diseases. Their studies show that the local diet often includes goji berries.
Goji berries are also grown and eaten on a daily basis in certain regions in Northern China, where some residents are known to live amazingly long lives.
Further studies on goji berries prove that they are nutritious and contain vital nutrients necessary to combat free radicals. The goji berry contains potent vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, flavonoids, carotenoids, and betaine, which makes it a superfood like no other.
The goji berry also contains 18 amino acids, 9 of which are essential for our bodies, but having all 18 adds to the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry.
Based on studies by numerous health professionals including Dr. Earl Mindell, the author of The Vitamin Bible, goji berries can give your body a chock-full of nutrients it needs. Goji berries, aside from the 18 amino acids, also have 21 trace minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. No wonder this nutritional powerhouse can help give you a healthy glow, fight off free radicals, and serve as a potent anti-inflammatory.
Goji berries also contain beneficial fatty acids including palmitic, oleic, and stearic, which can help hydrate the skin and strengthen its natural barrier.
Because goji berries are rich in antioxidants, they can help promote collagen and elastin production, reduce hyperpigmentation, and reduce oxidative stress. Basically, these exotic berries are way more potent in its beauty-enhancing properties than other berries we’ve been accustomed to.
Another unique benefit of this super berry lies in its the ability to help stimulate the production of human growth hormone (HGH), which is critical in collagen synthesis. But as we age, HGH begins to decline, which can cause us to experience collagen loss and thinning skin. So far, goji berries are the only known food to naturally boost the body’s production of human growth hormone.
Some additional health benefits of goji berries include:
Increased energy and strength – goji berries are considered an adaptogen, so it’s a natural stress-reducer. It can also help increase exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance.
Balanced cholesterol level – goji berries may also help manage your cholesterol level because it contains beta-sitosterol. These berries can also help reduce cholesterol deposit in the blood vessels.
Boosted immunity – goji berries have more beta-carotene than carrots and more vitamin C than oranges, so these berries will help the immune system ward off illnesses.
10 to 30 grams is the typical recommended daily serving for goji berries. Goji berries don’t have side effects per se, just like with any other food, but don’t ingest them if you have issues with blood thinning or are on blood thinners.
You can have goji berries brewed in tea, drink them as a juice, eat them raw/dried, or cook them with savory soups (the water will expand them), or in other imaginative dishes. Goji berries taste slightly sweet with a bit of an herbal aftertaste.
Photo by Melissa Finley Scala ~ Wellness Lovely on Unsplash
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